Business Management QQI
Business and Accounting / Posted 5 years ago by CMIT College / 1942 views
Course description
Course Details
This distance learning course equips Managers (and those new to Management) with comprehensive skills to improve their organisational and people management abilities. Students will learn how to: (1) organise company structures/teams, (2) complete internal and external organisation reviews, (3) effectively lead and manage staff, (4) manage their time more effectively, and (5) learn how to be more organised as Managers.
This distance learning, QQI accredited course means that Students can study flexibly at home, or at work, and can gain a nationally accredited Qualification. The course is designed for those working in Large Companies, SMEs or the Public Sector.
Topics Covered in this Course
Unit 1: Management and leadership
The management process
Management v leadership
Leadership styles
Organisation structure
Selecting and managing staff
Unit 2: Devising business strategy
Mission and values
Vision (strategic goals
Strategic analysis
Formulating strategy
Unit 3: Implementing plans
Strategy implementation
Managing change
Devising operational plans
Monitoring and control
Who should complete this course?
Existing Managers and Supervisors who wish to gain a formal accredited qualification.
Newly appointed Managers and Supervisors who wish to learn how to manage people and teams.
Managers in business who have direct reports and wish to learn best-practice techniques for managing people.
Entry Requirements / Pre-requisites
Leaving Cert or equivalent, and/or relevant Life or Work Experience.
As this programme is delivered through distance learning, students must be capable of studying on their own initiative.
A basic working knowledge of computers and access to a computer with internet access is required to do the course.
Learners must currently be working or have access to work experience or an organisation where they will be able to discuss, review and reflect on various business management scenarios – this is to facilitate the assessment requirements for the course.
This course is assessed through Assignments and a Project.
All work submitted must be your own work. There is no exam with this course.
As part of our quality assurance, student assessment work will be marked by an Internal Assessor, then checked by an Internal Verifier and an independent QQIF External Authenticator.
Transfer and Progression to Further Studies
This course leads to a level 6 component award on the National Framework of Qualifications.
Students who successfully complete this programme may use this level 6 component certificate as credit towardsredit towards the QQI Advanced Certificates including: Business (6M4985) and Administration (6M5013). For more details contact us.
Following successful completion you will receive a QQI Level 6 component certificate in Business Management (6N4310) from QQI.
Please note that there is a EUR60 fee payable for administration, moderation and certification.